Restaurant Resiliency Program
New York State launched the $25 million Restaurant Resiliency Program. Managed by the NYS Dept of Agriculture & Markets, the Restaurant Resiliency Program provides grants to restaurants that offer meals and other food-related items to New Yorkers within distressed or underrepresented communities.
The program will provide New York's regional food banks with the funding to purchase prepared meals from New York restaurants and deliver them to families in need.
In order to apply, a business must provide:
A copy of the Restaurant Operating Permit provided by New York State, New York City or local Department of Health office.
The restaurant’s most recent food safety inspection report provided by the permitting office.
Sample menus meeting Nutritional Requirements found here.
The restaurant's current menu.
We know navigating different COVID-19 relief programs can be challenging. The Pace University SBDC is here to help. Contact us to schedule a no-cost, one-on-one business counseling session.