Meet the Small Business Lenders

On January 17, the Pace University Small Business Development Center (SBDC) co-hosted a Meet the Small Business Lenders Forum & Networking session. Held here at Pace University’s downtown campus, the event attracted over 100 existing small business owners and aspiring entrepreneurs seeking practical strategies for financing their business venture.
The session was highlighted by two panels of small business lenders who provided insight into what they look for when evaluating a loan application, their typical loan terms, and the documents needed to apply. The panels were moderated by Pace SBDC Director Andrew Flamm, and included representatives and loan specialists from Chase, TD Bank, Santander Bank, HSBC, Carver Bank, Accion, BOC Capital, Business Center for New Americans, Excelsior Growth Fund, Hebrew Free Loan Society, Lower East Side People's Federal Credit Union, Renaissance Economic Development and TruFund Financial Services.

Before and after the panels the thirteen lenders met one-on-one with small business owners to assess the source of capital that was best suited for their respective needs. We were also very pleased to welcome Evelyn Cruz, District Director for
U. S. Congresswoman Nydia Velazquez, who presented and highlighted the importance of small business financing and U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) loan programs in driving local economies, as well as the Congresswoman’s support of the national network of SBDC centers as the Chairwoman of the House Committee on Small Business.
Whether you’re launching a business or are looking to expand current operations, we here at the Pace University SBDC can help you access the financing you need. Call us at (212) 618-6655 or email us at to schedule an appointment at no cost with one of our certified business advisors.