Small Business Lending Panel & Networking Session

The Pace University Small Business Development Center (SBDC) recently co-hosted a Small Business Lending Panel & Networking Session with the New York District Office of the Small Business Administration (SBA). Held here at Pace University’s downtown campus, the event provided small business owners and aspiring entrepreneurs with practical strategies for financing their business venture.

Pace SBDC Director Andrew Flamm provided an overview of the SBDCs services and key financing resources, and introduced Neil Braun, Dean of Pace University’s Lubin School of Business. In his opening remarks Dean Braun highlighted the focus on entrepreneurship in Pace’s programming, both in our curriculum as well as through helping students build and grow new business ventures. Dean Braun also provided insight into how SBA financing helped launch a film industry business earlier in his career at which he had a leadership role.
The session was highlighted by two panels of small business lenders who provided insight into what they look for when evaluating a loan application, their typical loan terms, and the documents needed to apply. The panels were moderated by the SBA’s New York District Director Beth Goldberg, and included representatives and loan specialists from Santander Bank, HSBC, Carver Bank, Capital One, Webster Bank, Accion, Business Center for New Americans, Excelsior Growth Fund, Hebrew Free Loan Society, and the Lower East Side People's Federal Credit Union. Before and after the panels the 14 participating lenders met one-on-one with small business owners to assess the source of capital that was best suited for their respective needs.