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A New Website Means New Opportunities

In the 21st century, businesses need a strong online presence to find new clients and customers, generate sales, and share the great work they’re doing with customers, investors, and other key stakeholders. When designed correctly, a website becomes a marketing tool rather than a headache. The Pace SBDC works one-on-one with business owners to examine their digital media strategy, offer advice and tutorials for using common digital products, and even re-imagine a business' website to make it easier to manage, a driver of sales, and a true digital tool rather than a roadblock. This can include building new websites from scratch or reworking existing websites.

Rebuilding a Playwright's Website

Playwright Barbara Kahn's prior website was dated, using basic HTML coding to run, and requiring the business owner to enlist the help of a web developer anytime she wanted changes made. The website also lacked some essential pages and didn't have up-to-date security measures, like an SSL certificate.

Barbara Kahn's new website

Working in collaboration, Barbara Kahn and Business Advisor Joe Peterson from the Pace SBDC rebuilt her website on an easy-to-manage development platform that can be updated regularly and contains all the information from the previous site. The site also has updated security, a new, more modern look, and most importantly Barbara is empowered and feels comfortable modifying her website whenever she needs to.

A New Website For A New Normal

Lower Manhattan's Southbridge Fitness Center was also unable to edit their website without costly outside assistance. When the pandemic upended their business offerings, the business owner sought to manage these changes in-house, enabling them to both make quick updates to keep their clients informed as well as eliminate the cost to contracting out this work. Pace SBDC Business Advisor Joe Peterson worked with the Southbridge Fitness Center team to create a new website built on an easy to use, drag and drop platform. The new site also includes some important updates, like information on virtual fitness classes and an embedded player for their podcast show, as well as a link to their e-commerce page for membership sales. Most importantly, each element of the website can be modified with just a few clicks.

Southbridge Fitness Center's new website

Let's Work On Your Website

The Pace SBDC offers no-cost, personalized business counseling both in-person and via Zoom. We work with existing small businesses as well as aspiring entrepreneurs to help build or relaunch your website, among our range of marketing services! Email to arrange a no-cost appointment with a business advisor.

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Pace University SBDC

1 Pace Plaza, Room W501

New York, NY, 10038   


Office:  (212) 618-6655


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A, C, J, Z, 2, 3, 45 to Fulton St

E to World Trade Center
6 to Brooklyn Bridge

Partnership Program with the SBA, administered by the State University of New York. Funded in part through a Cooperative Agreement with the U.S. Small Business Administration.  All opinions, conclusions or recommendations expressed are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the SBA. All SBA funded programs are extended to the public on a nondiscriminatory basis.

© 2024 Pace Small Business Development Center. All rights reserved.

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