Webinar Recap: Access to Capital - Small Business
On March 4th, 2022, the Pace University Small Business Development Center (SBDC) co-hosted a webinar on Access to Capital for Small Business with the U.S. Small Business Administration New York District Office.
The session was kicked off by Pace SBDC Regional Director Andrew Flamm, who reviewed small business financing opportunities available as well as key lending terms; and also highlighted NYSBDC 1:1 business advisory services, including loan packaging and other key financial guidance and support. Andrew then introduced the webinar's co-presenter, Beth Goldberg, District Director of the SBA’s New York District Office, who reviewed SBA small business lending programs and moderated a panel session of seasoned credit professionals from Flushing Bank, Key Bank, Accompany Capital, and the Brooklyn Cooperative Federal Credit Union.
Breakout sessions were held for each lending partner which was moderated by Pace SBDC Business Advisors who asked clarifying questions to help business owners in attendance on how to access a business loan.
The webinar focused on the following key areas:
Knowing the respective financing programs available
What lenders look for in a loan application
Standard loan terms for small businesses
Documents required for a loan application
If you are seeking capital for your business and would like to be better prepared to approach lenders, contact us to schedule a no-cost, one-to-one business counseling session with a Pace SBDC business advisor.