Past Events Archive
Welcome to our Past Events Archive! Keep scrolling to see some of the workshops and topics we've presented trainings on throughout the years.
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For recordings of past webinars, click here. ​
Listing of Past Workshops
Marketing & Sales
* Website Workdays: Updating Your Existing Website & Building a New Site * Social Media Marketing for Small Businesses * Sales Strategy for Small Businesses * Top 5 Tips for Effective Customer Engagement * How to Craft Your Brand Story * Grow with Google - Reach Customers Online with Google - Learn the Basics of Google Ads - Make Better Business Decisions with Google Analytics - Get Your Local Business on Google Search and Maps * Selling Physical Products Online * Selling Digital Products Online * Marketing 101 * Online Sales Strategies * Webinar: Selling Services Online * Managing Your Online Reputation * Strategies to Accelerate Revenue Growth
Financing & Accounting
* Small Business Lender Panels * Bookkeeping Basics * One-on-one CPA Clinics * Crowdfunding for Small Businesses * Small Business Tax Liability Reduction Strategies * Internal Controls - Detecting Fraud in Your Small Business * Prep Your Credit for a Small Biz Loan * Financial Statements 101 * Financing to Purchase Owner-Occupied Real Estate * Quarterly Tax & Licensing Guide for Small Businesses * Taxes and the Pandemic CARES Act * Forecasting Sales Growth: A guide to financial projections * Business Valuation: What is a Business Worth? * Profit Mastery: Creating Value and Building Wealth
Government Procurement
* SBA Certifications and Government Procurement Opportunities * MWBE Preparedeness Training and Technical Assistance * Government Procurement Strategies * Selling to the Government * Navigating NYC Healthcare Procurement
Legal & Regulatory
* Small Business Legal Clinics with the Neighborhood Entrepreneur Law Project * Trademark Basics * Intellectual Property Rights for Entrepreneurs * Contracts and Risk Management for Small Business Owners * Commercial Lease Negotiation * Non-Disclosure Agreements: When Should You Require an NDA, When Should You Sign an NDA * Trademark Searching with the U.S. Patent and Trademarks Office * Business Entity Formation for Small Business Owners and Entrepreneurs * Small Business Leases and Evictions: What is legal; what is reasonable?
Business Planning
* Managing Human Resources: Key Issues * Small Business Growth Strategies * Market Research to Build & Launch your Small Business * Integrating the Value of Sustainability into a Small Business Model * Cybersecurity for your Small Business * Make Better Business Decisions with Google Analytics * Business Planning * 3-Part Webinar Series: Integrating Sustainability into your Small Business using the ESG Model * Franchising Fundamentals * Evaluating Best Business Practices for Entrepreneurs with Disabilities * Is Entrepreneurship Right for You?
Programs in Spanish
* Taller Virtual con el Consulado de México * Marketing 101 (in Spanish) * Declaración de impuestos y mantenimiento de registros para contribuyentes autónomos * Permisos y Licencias para Pequeños Negocios * Empoderando a los Emprendedores * Desarrollar una estrategia de mercado
We're extremely proud and lucky to be a part of an ecosystem working to support entrepreneurs in New York City - especially Brooklyn and Manhattan. Thank you to our partners who have worked with us to co-host events in the past, including: